B12 Vitamin Shots
One Injection £30
Feeling tired and run down all the time?
Suffering from unexplained aches and pains and continually falling victim to colds and other infections?
Then you may have a B12 vitamin deficiency.
B12 is an essential vitamin that you can become deficient in, particularly if you follow a restricted or special diet, if you suffer from certain health conditions or if you are over a certain age.
Heavy smokers and drinkers can also have low levels of B12. A B12 vitamin injection is one of the quickest and most effective ways to boost your body’s B12 levels.
When you book a B12 vitamin injection treatment with us, we will carry out a blood test to establish the severity of your deficiency.
Once we have this information, we can devise a B12 vitamin treatment programme to build up your levels of this valuable nutrient.
This vitamin is a prescription only medicine which can only be administered by a GMC-registered prescriber. We are licensed to administer this treatment following a consultation which establishes it is necessary and suitable.